Table of Content


Introduction. 1

1 General and Forum Rules. 1

1.1 Written Communication. 1

1.2 Flaming and Baiting. 1

1.3 Post in Appropriate Section. 1

1.4 Stickies. 1

1.5 Personal Messages. 1

1.6 Inappropriate Use of the Forum.. 1

2 Discussing Armor Builders on the Forum.. 1

3 Events. 1

3.1 Before Attending an Event 1

3.2 Signing Up and Changing Circumstances. 1

3.3 Stay Up to Date. 1

3.4 Signing Up for an Event 1

3.5 Non-Member Family and Children. 1

3.6 Keep Threads Tidy. 1

3.7 Stay in Character 1

3.8 Stay in Costume. 1

3.9 Mountain Garrison/501st Apparel 1

3.10 Respect the POC, Event Organizers, Handlers. 1

3.11 No Real World Weapons. 1

3.12 Follow Event Rules. 1

3.13 Event Definition. 1

3.14 Freebies. 1

3.15 Donations. 1

3.16 No Alcohol or Recreational Drugs. 1

4 Public Relations. 1

4.1 Interviews. 1

4.2 National Anthems. 1

4.3 Time and Place. 1

4.4 No Holding of Babies or Children for Photos. 1

4.5 No Posing with Brands/Mascots. 1

4.6 Uniforms, Team Jerseys, Brand Logos. 1

5 Point of Contact and Event Handling. 1

6 Complaints and Disciplinary procedure. 1

6.1 Concerns and Complaints. 1

6.2 Disciplinary Actions. 1

6.3 Disciplinary Procedure. 1

6.4 Offenses Constituting Conduct Unbecoming. 1

7 Conclusion. 1

Appendix A: Offices and Staff Roles. 1



The Mountain Garrison Code of Conduct sets out rules and policies that help all members of the Mountain Garrison do the right thing during troops, on the forum, and when dealing with event organizers, members of the public, and with each other. The Mountain Garrison Code of Conduct will exist next to and should be followed alongside the 501st Legion's Charter and Operations Protocol. It reflects our commitment to high standards of conduct, and builds on our proud tradition of professionalism, doing what is right, and what is appropriate.

1 General and Forum Rules

1.1 Written Communication

Written communication can be misinterpreted; this is a fact of life. Be mindful that your comments on the forum may be "taken the wrong way" or simply misunderstood. Please carefully word your statement and read it through before you post it to the forum.

1.2 Flaming and Baiting

Flaming or baiting is strictly prohibited on this forum. Any evidence of this will result in the post being removed and action may be taken against the poster.

1.3 Post in Appropriate Section

Ensure you post your comments in the appropriate section of the forum. If you are unsure where your post should go, read the "sticky" instructions at the top of each forum. Any posts that are in the wrong forum section will be moved to the correct section.

1.4 Stickies

The "sticky" instructions posted at the top of each forum are the rules for that particular forum. Please make sure that you are aware of these rules before posting. These instructions may be altered at any point, please review them regularly.

1.5 Personal Messages

The content of personal mail/messages is confidential and for the intended recipients only. If the original sender did not post the content to this forum, DO NOT post copies or replies to this forum without prior agreement of the originator(s).

If you believe the content of a private message or email, sent via this forum, may breach any rules, causes personal offense or you believe it warrants further investigation please bring it to the attention of the Command Staff.

1.6 Inappropriate Use of the Forum

Examples of inappropriate use of the forum include, but are not limited to:

The Mountain Garrison Command Staff has the final decision as to whether they consider material to be inappropriate or offensive. If users receive material that they suspect is not appropriate they should notify a member of the Command Staff who will advise what to do.

Members who make comments on other websites (including social networking sites / mini blogging sites etc.) which may be considered derogatory to the Mountain Garrison, its members, or any other element of the club including the wider 501st, may be disciplined and/or refused access to the forum.

2 Discussing Armor Builders on the Forum

The Mountain Garrison understands how difficult it can be to research your first costuming project and we will try to help you on your journey. However, please be aware that we do not endorse any particular maker nor do we support or authorize any claims that are made in our name or in the name of the 501st. Please be aware there are many vendors, some of whom may make false claims about endorsement of their product. The Mountain Garrison advises that the buyers be aware of this and only make a purchase when they are sure they are confident about the product they are buying. We highly recommend reaching out to the detachments and get the info of researched vendors.

It is also worth noting that price does not always equal value. Our advice would always be to take your time and do your research.

We, when possible, will do our best to provide members with handy hints and tips to help you make decisions regarding your costuming project.

Please be aware that any decision you make with regard to a costume or other purchase will be your sole responsibility and neither the Mountain Garrison nor the vendor or other members can accept any liability should there be any issues resulting from your choice.

When discussing vendors on the forum, within the guidelines above, please refer to them by initials only.

More detailed information on armor and vendors can be found on the various detachments:

3 Events

3.1 Before Attending an Event

Make a note of the event description, its requirements and any special instructions for the day. It's important that you understand the nature and the length of the event. If you attend an event with the Mountain Garrison, you will be expected to be in costume or act as crew for the full length of the event. If you know that you cannot be there for the whole event, let the Squad Leader, Point of Contact, and/or a member of staff know your plans in advance, and where possible they will try and fit you into the day's schedule. Agreement for a member to attend for part of an event is at the discretion of the Mountain Garrison Squad Leader, and you may be asked to step aside for someone who can fulfill the event in its entirety.

Please note that although we are volunteers the act of volunteering commits us to fulfill an agreement.


3.2 Signing Up and Changing Circumstances

As far as possible, please make sure that you can attend an event before you sign up for it. We always need to confirm attendance numbers in advance of an event with the organizer.

We understand that circumstances can change; if there are any reasons you are not able to attend the event, please inform the Mountain Garrison Squad Leader and/or Point of Contact as soon as possible. This, in some cases, can permit the Mountain Garrison the opportunity to allow another member to attend in your place. If there ends up being lack of interest or we run into an event that needs a minimum amount of troopers and we're unable to fulfill the needs of the events then as Command Staff we would have the cancel the event.

3.3 Stay Up to Date

Once you have signed up for an event, it is your responsibility to stay up to date on this event. If an event is a few weeks out at the time you sign up, make sure to check the forums for the most recent information for the event the day before or the day of the event. This way we can ensure that we look professional and organized.

3.4 Signing Up for an Event

Members are required to sign up for an event via the forum, ideally no later than the day prior to the event (at the very latest several hours prior to an event). Showing up at a troop without having signed up on the forum is highly discouraged, as this may interfere with what was communicated with the event requester(s). Sign-up is on a 'first come, first served' basis. Members will need to sign themselves up for an event; exceptions being spouses, parents, children, and significant others within the same household.

3.5 Non-Member Family and Children

Non-member family members and members' children may attend an event if it is explicitly listed in the event description. If it is not explicitly stated, please make sure to ask about family attendance prior to the event.

This goes for handler requirements as well; if non-member handlers are allowed at an event, this will be explicitly stated, otherwise handlers will need to be 501st members.

3.6 Keep Threads Tidy

Please keep the sign up threads tidy. The only posts on these threads should be to sign up, or to ask a pertinent question relating to the event.

3.7 Stay in Character

When in costume at an event, you should endeavor to stay in the character appropriate to the costume that you are wearing. This is one of the Mountain Garrison's major selling points and is what the Mountain Garrison is known for. Please try to uphold this at all times while in public in order to maintain the illusion. Please do not go shopping, eat lunch or the like while in costume and don't carry bags with your shopping in. Remember to BE the character, not just someone dressed up as the character. Try to include the public in the act, but remember that you are in character, so interact with the public AS that character - this means no behavior that your character would not do. Excessive out of character behavior will be addressed by the Squad Leader/Point of Contact.

3.8 Stay in Costume

Please be sure your costume is in compliance with the CRL, unless otherwise permitted by the particular event, which will be listed in the event description. When in costume, you should stay in full costume while in the public eye as much as possible. This means not removing your helmet, other armor parts or any other parts of your costume that would not be in character, or true to the movies. As long as it is not excessive, exceptions to the buckets on rule can be made, for instance to accommodate a sensitive child, or at conventions, where these buckets on and costume requirements do not apply as strictly.

3.9 Mountain Garrison/501st Apparel

Where possible/practical, crew should wear Mountain Garrison/501st Legion approved clothing/apparel. This helps the public and the event organizers know who you are. Please note that when dressed in Mountain Garrison/501st Legion apparel you are representing the Mountain Garrison/501st Legion. Our name is on your clothes, so your actions will reflect on us. Please maintain a professional attitude and demeanor at all times.

3.10 Respect the Point of Contact, Event Organizers, Handlers

At an event it is vital that you pay attention to the designated Point of Contact, event organizer and any crew (handlers) tasked with looking after you. Follow their instructions; help them to help you. If you have any questions or concerns about anything at the event, please address these with the Point of Contact; it is their responsibility, not yours, to take care of any questions or issues that arise.

3.11 No Real World Weapons

Do not bring any real world weapons to an event. This includes deactivated firearms, crossbows, knives, swords etc. Toy guns that have been re-worked to look more realistic are currently not against the law, but we must be careful and sensitive about this. Airsoft guns can be used at some events, at the organizer's discretion - please check with a member of staff before taking an airsoft weapon to an event. Even then, you must ensure that the airsoft weapon has no ammunition, no batteries/gas and that the weapon is not taken out of the confines of the event. Please remember to be responsible and sensible with weapons while in public. Safety is paramount and if you are ever told to holster your weapon by a member of the Mountain Garrison crew, event staff or by the authorities it is essential you comply.

3.12 Follow Event Rules

Adhere to any specific rules and guidelines for an event and pay attention to any briefing given. Please be aware that information or requirements may change during an event.

3.13 Event Definition

A Mountain Garrison event is defined as an event pre-arranged by the Mountain Garrison Command Staff. These events will be subject to all Mountain Garrison rules and protocols.

3.14 Freebies

Pre-arranged and agreed "freebies" are okay in moderation, and these will be agreed by the Command Staff up front. Do not ask for “freebies” from the event organizers or staff.

3.15 Donations

Do not ask for goods or donations from the event organizers or staff. If you feel there is an opportunity for a donation or to obtain items to be raffled/auctioned off to raise money, bring this to the attention of a member of Command Staff or POC.

3.16 No Alcohol or Recreational Drugs

Please refrain from the usage of alcohol and/or recreational drug paraphernalia immediately prior to or during an event. An event is defined as:

4 Public Relations

When we are in the public eye we have additional rules for interviews and photo opportunities:


4.1 Interviews

Do not conduct an interview with a helmet on. Ideally we need to have a handler do these interviews so we can keep to rule 3.7 (Stay in character).

4.2 National Anthems

During National Anthems, stand at attention and be respectful. (Some armor makes it hard to move to put your hand on your heart.) Keep your buckets on. Officers and other characters wearing caps, can remove the caps. (Sports team mascots do not remove their heads)

4.3 Time and Place

What may sound like a great picture will probably make for a great picture, but please keep your time and place in mind. No staging of bank hold ups, lewd poses, posing with alcohol, drug paraphernalia, etc. At non-convention troops, please keep your photo ops tasteful.

4.4 No Holding of Babies or Children for Photos

We get asked to hold people's' kids for photos, but for liability purposes this is a no-no. Some of our costumes have restricted movement, and we do not want to risk dropping someone's child.

4.5 No Posing with Brands/Mascots

Do not pose for pictures with brands or mascots not affiliated with the Star Wars brand and Licenses.

4.6 Uniforms, Team Jerseys, Brand Logos

No wearing of ANY uniforms, team jerseys or brand logos.

5 Point of Contact and Event Handling

As we continue to grow, and with the new films getting ready to roll out, the potential for events that we are invited to and asked to attend will only continue to increase. We love to see and encourage our troopers to find those "other cool" events for us to do, and that is hopefully going to continue.


One element we do need to address is having better acknowledgement and accountability at troops. In order to maintain our trooper tracker, we need buckets on and buckets off pictures of troopers from each event. If we expect to do several events on a single day/weekend across two states, we need other boots on the ground to help out, as the Squad Leaders cannot be in multiple places at once.  And while we like to think they are all things to all people, not every Squad Leader (or any for that matter) can troop EVERY event. This is where the Point of Contact (POC) process comes into play.


  1. POC Responsibilities
    1. Keep contact with the event host
      • POC's are approved/selected at the discretion of the Squad Leader, or Garrison Commanding Officer/Garrison Executive Officer. Once you are chosen as a POC make contact with the event host and introduce yourself.
      • Update the event host at the requested date or two weeks out on the status of the roster.
        • If we lack the requested manpower, notify your SL and they will respectively cancel the troop and notify the event host.
    2. Keep the roster up to date
      • Pre troop roster
        • Any tentative sign ups need to be confirmed two weeks out or predefined date by the host - see 1.2.
      • Post troop roster
        • Report the list of imperials to the SL for tracker updates, and ask them to archive the thread.
        • Post a buckets on and off pic for tracker verification.
    3. Maintain 501st rules
      • Is it canon? Imperials only? Inform troopers of these rules before and during the troop.
        • Mountain Garrison Command Staff will determine in the event description whether a troop is canon or non-canon. In case this description is missing, all events are to be treated as canon.
        • The POC is responsible for the troop and what the 501st represents during the troop, and to maintain 501st decorum during the troop - this includes costume related issues (excessive or inappropriate buckets on/off, non-canon costume decorations/alterations, etc.). If a member does not follow these rules notify them of this, and if the trooper still refuses, then report them to their Squad Leader, Garrison Commanding Officer, and Garrison Executive Officer.
        • If a POC allows a troop or members at a troop to get out of hand, the Mountain Garrison Command Staff reserves the right to not allow that member to be a POC at future troops.
    4. Charity
      • If Charity is involved with the event, contact the Garrison Charity Representative.
        • Bring and fill out the Charity Receipt form for any Fund Raising efforts.
        • Any and all counting of funds must be witnessed - if possible by a member and a non-member.  Witnesses to counting must sign the Charity Receipt and provide contact information in the provided space on the receipt.  This is important to ensure that all funds collected are documented.  No member should ever leave an event with uncounted, undocumented funds.
        • Whenever possible, have a member of the receiving charity witness the funds count and sign off on the Charity Receipt Form.
        • When it is not possible to hand donated funds directly off to a representative of the receiving charity at the event itself, the collected donations must be turned over to the chosen charity in a timely manner.
        • The Charity Receipt Form must be turned over to the Garrison Charity Representative as soon as possible after the event. The receiving charity may make a copy or take a photo of the Charity Receipt Form, but the original form needs to go to the Garrison Charity Representative.  
  2. POC request
    1. If you think you can hold the above standards post in the Briefing Room thread and the Command Staff will assign you as the POC.
    2. Once you are the POC you will be given contact details, these are to remain private. If the Command Staff has forgotten to give you the details kindly ask for them.
    3. The first post in the event thread will be changed so you own it and can update it.
  3. Roster Threads
    1. Troops are "unconfirmed" until we have a POC.  This can be any trooper, a Squad Leader, the Garrison Commanding Officer, the Garrison Executive Officer - anyone can do this, but POC approval/selection is at the discretion of the Squad Leader, or Garrison Commanding Officer/Garrison Executive Officer.
    2. Troopers may sign up prior to a POC assignment, but the Command Staff will be asking for a POC to step up until there is one.
    3. If you bring the event to the Garrison, the expectation is YOU own it.  You should be (and will be expected to be) the POC.  No dumping troops in the Garrison lap and then expecting the Garrison to do the work.
    4. On the day of the event, troop and have fun!!

6 Complaints and Disciplinary procedure

6.1 Concerns and Complaints

If you have a concern or complaint about another member (including a member of the Command Staff), you should bring it to the attention of the Garrison Captain of the Guard in the first instance. If the Garrison Captain of the Guard is unavailable, unable to satisfy your complaint/concern, or is the subject of your complaint/concern, direct the issue to the Garrison Executive Officer.

If, after it has been escalated to the Garrison Executive Officer, the Commanding Officer should be approached, the Garrison Executive Officer will escalate to the Garrison Commanding Officer when necessary.

After this stage, the Garrison Commanding Officer will advise you of the escalation procedure, which ultimately means it will go to the Legion Captain of the Guard for 501st related issues. All complaints will be dealt with confidentially and according to Mountain Garrison and 501st rules as applicable.

6.2 Disciplinary Actions

The level of disciplinary action taken will be determined on a case by case basis. This may range from a suspension from the Mountain Garrison forum and/or a suspension from trooping, to a formal hearing at Legion level if charges are being filed with the Legion Captain of the Guard, and these charges are found to have merit.

6.3 Disciplinary Procedure

The disciplinary procedure will be applied as follows:

Incident 1: Verbal warning from an appropriate member of staff.

Incident 2: Written warning from the Garrison Commanding Officer.

Incident 3: If a third incident occurs, action against the offending member will be taken. This may result in a suspension from the forums and/or suspension from trooping, but may also result in escalation to the Legion Captain of the Guard. This in turn may result in a formal hearing once the Legion Captain of the Guard determines the charges have merit.

This disciplinary procedure does not necessarily apply to cases of "Conduct Unbecoming" (see section 6.4), which may be grounds for immediate escalation to the Legion Captain of the Guard.

6.4 Offenses Constituting Conduct Unbecoming

The following list is an indication of some offenses which may fall within this category, these include but are not limited to:

In the event of a member being involved in an offense of this nature, a full investigation of the circumstances will be undertaken. If appropriate, the member may be suspended during the period of the investigation. If charges are deemed necessary, or if another member requests charges being brought against the offending member, the Mountain Garrison Commanding Officer or Executive Officer will take the request for charges to the Legion Captain of the Guard per the current 501st processes and regulations. This may result in a formal hearing if the Legion Captain of the Guard determines the request for charges has merit.

7 Conclusion

The Mountain Garrison reserves the right to amend and update these rules at any time. In such instances, where possible, due notice will be given. In all cases an announcement will be posted to alert members to the update.

It is the member's responsibility to stay informed about the rules and to familiarize themselves with the new or amended rules.

These rules are a condition of your Membership. Failure to familiarize yourself with the Mountain Garrison Code of Conduct will not serve as an excuse if you are confronted with breaching the Code of Conduct.

Appendix A: Offices and Staff Roles

GCO: Commanding Officer

Serves as the chief policy-maker and administrator for the local unit of the 501st Legion.

GXO: Executive Officer

Assists CO with duties as needed.

GWL: Garrison Web Liaison

Primarily responsible for obtaining and formatting local unit member photos.

GWM: Garrison Webmaster

The primary admin and developer of web and forum technical support, manage the local page, and all the forum structure behind it.

GML: Garrison Membership Liaison

Facilitates regional membership requests and maintains local unit member profiles.

GMBO: Garrison Merchandise and Branding Officer

Responsible for the management and protection of the Garrison logo (which includes all squads) and ALL merchandise that contains said logos.

GPRO: Garrison Public Relations Officer

Assists the GCO in promoting the Unit to the public and also may be called upon by the Legion PRO to assist in the public promotion of the Legion.

GCOG: Garrison Captain of the Guard

Resolves internal disputes, moderates the Mountain Garrison forums, and oversees polls and elections.

GCR: Garrison Charity Representative

Liaison between the Garrison, the Legion, and events with a Charity component. While at most events the Legion does have some level of charity involvement, the GCR is primarily focused on Charity specific events.

SL: Squad Leader

Serves to represent and coordinate his or her designated squad.